Saftey Focus
Utility Supply and Construction Company's (USC) mission is to have every employee, whether it is field or office, to go home every night to their families. USC has aligned with our utility customers and local unions with only one goal in mind, to eliminate ALL work rule violations and injuries, every day, every week, every year. We engage our supervision and field leadership to view our beliefs the same way, requiring continual observations followed by immediate communication and corrective actions.
USC's Safety Advantage
Doing it Safe IS Doing it Right
Dedicated In-House Safety Department
- Industry specific experience (Transmission, Distribution, Substation, & Gas)
Claims Management Team
- Immediate Investigation / Incident Reporting
Full-Time Field Safety Professionals
- Inspecting, Identifying, Modifying, & Educating Crews on Hazards
- Direct Interaction, Onsite
Hands-On Education & Training
- Training (Onsite & in the Classroom)
- Supervision (Top Down) & Field (Bottom Up)
Safety Audit Observation
USC’s Job Site Review Captures 19 Areas of Observation
- Recent Incident Overview
- Preparation
- Material Handling
- Entering, Exiting Vehicles
- Working with Hand Tools
- Operating Vehicles/Equipment
- Animals, Insect, Plants
- Climbing/Working on Pole
- Electrical
- Walking/Standing on Ground or Floor
- Pulling Rope or Cable
- Stairs/Ladders
- Electrical Cabinets
- Chemical Exposures
- Struck-by
- Heat/Cold
- Vehicle Type
- Training
- Personal Protective Equipment
Utility Supply & Construction
A Culture of Safety
Across our corporation we have implemented, and provide continual training to improve, the overall safety culture assuring safe work practices. All of our companies have a heightened presence from our field safety professionals and their management, conducting safety reviews and coordinating a daily focus of our job sites, facilities and work methods. These processes are focused on employee engagement and continual education of our workforce.
ALL employees are encouraged to share their observations and provide immediate feedback as to what they see out in the field or in our facilities. Each and every employee’s responsibility is to Stop Work if they feel an unsafe act has or is about to take place. Our desired outcome of improved awareness and universal empowerment to act and stop work is yielding great results in our facilities as well as on our customer’s property. The information generated from this process has increased overall awareness for our employees and has given our organization the real-time tools to proactively resolve deficiencies.
USC believes 1 injury or 1 undetected hazard is 1 too many and zero is the only goal. Regardless of the adversity, USC's goal is to achieve ZERO recordable injuries each workday and to empower a self-policing workforce committed to protecting one another.
Our company's deep rooted beliefs in safety can be found beyond our weekly safety topics, employee handbooks, and safety manuals. At every level, we live it, breathe it, and preach it. The entire USC family of companies stands behind the slogan, "Doing it Safe is Doing it Right."